
In cooperation with the Blender Foundation we are offering a limited amount of free official manuals for the latest Blender release. The problem with these manuals is that pictures are printed to light, but they are readable and perfect for educational use. Blender's Chairman and founder Ton Roosendaal decided to give them away to educational institutions and asked us to help. We can ship them for you in batches of +/-50, to be determined later, mass per book is 1.3 kg, we don't know the shipping and package costs yet. Please return here later for details. You can contact office at vrijschrift adot org for reservations.

Current Stock 1200, Reserved 100, Paid 0



Example Chapter

Blender 2.3 Guide from E-shop (not free is in free beer)

Reserved | Paid | Organization

100 | 0 | Free Education Project, for international FFII and Vrijschrift members

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