Diff for "WTH"

Differences between revisions 3 and 7 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2005-07-30 10:35:46
Size: 743
Revision 7 as of 2005-08-05 13:14:58
Size: 1143
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The FFII will concentrate on software patents. Needed is a European organisation to address other topics like DRM, IP enforcement, data retention. Vrijschrift is familiar with the FFII organisation and wants to offer the infrastructure. === Slides ===
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DRM / Trusted computing background. DRM / Trusted Computing introduction
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Harmen van der Wal


=== Follow-up ===

The FFII will concentrate on software patents. Other topics like DRM, IP enforcement, data retention need to be addressed. The day following the presentation we discussed this at a meeting with several interested parties. We decided to keep in touch via a mailing list. Write to harmen AT vrijschrift DOT org if you would like to participate.


http://www.vrijschrift.nl/Members/harmwal/documenten/whatthehack-slides.pdf http://www.vrijschrift.nl/Members/harmwal/documenten/whatthehack-slides.sxi

What the Hack talk references

Copyright/DRM consultations http://www.bohol.ph/PG/PG-EU-Copyright-Comments-Final.pdf http://www.vrijschrift.nl/Members/harmwal/documenten/drmreport.pdf

DRM / Trusted Computing introduction http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/tcpa-faq.html

Lawrence Lessig,Free Culture http://www.free-culture.cc

Creative Commons http://creativecommons.org

Open Source petitie http://opensource.petities.nl

Harmen van der Wal http://www.harmwal.nl

Vrijschrift http://www.vrijschrift.org http://wiki.vrijschrift.org http://mailman.vrijschrift.nl/listinfo


The FFII will concentrate on software patents. Other topics like DRM, IP enforcement, data retention need to be addressed. The day following the presentation we discussed this at a meeting with several interested parties. We decided to keep in touch via a mailing list. Write to harmen AT vrijschrift DOT org if you would like to participate.

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